Tight-knit Lottery winners spread Christmas magic
Charities including a baby hospice in Middlesbrough and a nature reserve in Suffolk will get a sprinkling of Christmas magic thanks to a group of National Lottery winners who used the November lockdown to knit more than 1000 festive fairies and angels.
The team of 52 National Lottery winners usually meet up at Christmas to help support a range of charities. This year, the group decided to form a knitting production line that saw them working from their homes and sharing tips and ideas via a Facebook page and Zoom sessions.
The angels and fairies will be quarantined before being distributed to a range of selected charities including the hospice, the nature reserve and a group of older people in the Midlands who are isolating due to the coronavirus.
Debbie Goolding, who won £1Million earlier this year on a National Lottery Scratchcard, hopes the knitted angels and fairies bring “a little moment of magic” to those who receive them. She said, “It’s our way of making good use of the time during lockdown so we can now hopefully bring a little seasonal joy.”
Debbie knitted as a child, but only returned to the pastime a year ago when she joined a community knitting group called Rushmoor Angels. She was astonished at the number of National Lottery winners who wanted to sign up to make angels and fairies.
Debbie said, “It’s been amazing to see how everyone has really thrown themselves into this little project. When I mentioned it, we thought maybe 10 or so other winners would join but it’s just kept on growing.”
14th December 2020
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