Life in the fast lane for garage syndicate who won £1Million
A group of co-workers from a garage in Montrose in Scotland are feeling revved-up and ready to go after their syndicate won an amazing £1Million on EuroMillions UK Millionaire Maker.
At first, the 11 mechanics, technicians, and office staff from GPG Montrose Garage thought the leader of their syndicate was joking when he told them they had a winning National Lottery ticket. Now, it’s a case of ‘pedal to the metal’ as they plan how to spend their windfall. Items on the syndicate’s shopping list include garden renovations, new camper vans, motorhome upgrades, home improvements, new bathrooms, cars and dream holidays.
Lesley Forsyth, 56, whose husband, Arthur, is the syndicate leader, said she thought it was a joke when he woke her at 7am to say the syndicate had won £1Million. She said, “For some reason we had both woken at around 4am and Arthur went on to his phone and saw there was news about our National Lottery ticket. He clicked through to the National Lottery website to discover we had won £2.80.”
Lesley and Arthur went back to sleep. But when Arthur woke again at 6am he noticed there was an email from The National Lottery saying ‘Congratulations, you have won!’.
Lesley said, “He clicked through to the official National Lottery page and just started shouting, ‘oh my goodness, oh my goodness’. I wondered what on earth had happened. He said, ‘the garage, our syndicate have won £1Million!’ I said ‘no, this can’t be true’ and he just kept saying, ‘no Lesley, it is. I am on the official National Lottery page and this really is true!'”
Lesley and Arthur called Cheryl, a syndicate member who looks after payments and paperwork, and made up a reason why she needed to come over immediately. She could not believe it when she was told the syndicate had won.
Lesley said, “I think the news is still sinking in. You hear of people winning all the time but you just never ever think it will happen to you – a garage business in Montrose!”
Other members of the syndicate include: Arthur Forsyth, 57, Allan Stevenson, 59, Cheryl Milne, 28, Laura Forsyth, 31, Laura Guthrie, 35, Martin Guthrie, 30, Raymond Nicoll, 47 and Robert Pert, 66, who had already planned to retire on the day the syndicate won.
Robert said, “Well, this win couldn’t have come at a better time – on the day of my retirement. Definitely a reason for a very big and very special celebration!”
5th May 2023
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