Reducing the stigma of mental health problems is Jessica’s mission
At the age of 26, Jessica Gallier’s world was turned upside down when she received the heart-breaking news that her Dad had taken his own life. Her Dad, Martin, was 55 years old and left behind Jessica and her four siblings – the youngest of whom was just nine – to deal with grief and questions around his death.
The death was initially recorded as alcohol related, but Jessica knew her father suffered with mental health issues. Jessica challenged the system, had the verdict changed, and is now breaking down the stigma surrounding suicide and mental health.
She has formed The Martin Gallier Project, a centre that educates families in “Suicide First Aid”. Jessica and the team aim to help their small, tight knit community to deal with and prevent suicide by providing a safe space to talk.
The centre opened in February 2019 and four days later they had saved their first life.
Journalist Kieran Yates went to New Ferry in the Wirral to meet Jessica and her team of volunteers, many of whom have experienced the emotional demand of friends and family with suicidal tendencies.
Watch the film to find out more.
The Martin Gallier Project helps people in its local community, however if you are affected by anything in this film please contact Samaritans for support on 116 123 or visit www.samaritans.org.
24th September 2019
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